Unique living sculptures by Alexander Curtius

Alexander Curtius,  sculptor and furniture designer, produces the unique pieces shown here by hand.

They are crafted from a single trunk and reduced to their essential form. The seat or lounger cushions mould themselves to the body thanks to their sculptural form. This creates the experience of lying softly on a hard surface. In winter, a lambskin can significantly increase comfort even further.


As sculptural objects, the living sculptures by Alexander Curtius enliven plain interiors.


The organic creations are inspired by the processes of the living world of form, such as plant metamorphosis, which produces an infinite variety in its processes of inversion. For Alexander Curtius, this opens up completely new possibilities in furniture construction.


Some models can be made by hand from prefabricated blanks in seven to nine-day courses. More detailed information and the full course program can be found here.


The collection of loungers, armchairs and tables is constantly being expanded and refined.